Wednesday 30 April 2014

Today I helped out Ahn Phan. I began by hand sewing down the inside of the dress to conceal all of the raw edges, by using a blind stitch technique. Moreover, I then began to hand sew on all of the paper clips onto her jacket to add a nice decorative effect. This enabled the jacket to have a unique and eye-catching twist. Furthermore, I then made the labels for her garments, by getting the photographs of her garments and writing a short description on the garment bags portraying how each garment should be looked after and getting the outfits ready for hand in.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

I then began toiling how to make a bag out of various string and ropes. After attempting various methods, I came to a conclusion of how to make the final bags, and the methods and processes in which we should use.

Week of Show

Today i continued helping out Tania. I started working on the accessories. I created the weave panels for the Shoes to be accessorised with.

Saturday 12 April 2014

I then helped out another third year student today called Tania Ortiz Zamorano by helping to weave her final garment panels. Portrayed below are images depicting the weave:

Thursday 10 April 2014

Today I helped out Tanja Nagy by cutting out her final fabrics. I had to pin on the pattern pieces onto her crepe fabric, ensuring that the patterns are laid onto the fabrics correctly and that the grain line is equidistant to the selvedge.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Today I traced off an array of patterns so that my partner had duplicates to adapt. I traced off the patterns for all three outfits, ensuring that the grain line and notches are transferred onto the new patterns.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Today I helped out another third year student called Tanja Nagy. Her collection is inspired and derived from ice and glaciers. I particularly like the way in which she has incorporated in the movement and shape of the glaciers into the shape and style of the designs. I initially began by tracing off the pattern pieces and extended the front and back jumper block panels to 65cm. Afterwards, I then cut out the pattern pieces in calico, ensuring that the grain line was parallel to the selvedge and sewed up the toile. Moreover, I then reverted back to helping my initial third year student Andrie by cutting out an array of patterns in calico, organza and polyester. After this was cut out, I then had to make a tutu pattern. In order to create this, I had to measure the circumference of the waist on the pattern which was 38cm and double this to equate to 76cm. After I then had to halve 38cm to get a 1/4 of the pattern measurement which was 19cm. I then added 19cm onto 76cm to get the circumference of the waist as she wanted a 1 1/4 tutu pattern circumference which equated to 95cm. I then formed a 95cm circle using the tape measure. Once the circle was created, I then added on a 15cm diameter all the way around. This then formed the basis of the tutu pattern.

Monday 7 April 2014

Initially I began by helping out a different third year student today called Tania. Her collection is inspired and derived from prolifrolights. I helped out by drawing spec drawings on the computer. Later on, I then assisted my usual partner by tracing off patterns and adding on seam allowances.

Friday 4 April 2014

Today I went fabric shopping and got a diverse array of fabrics for inspiration.

Thursday 3 April 2014

I began by cutting out more patterns on calico, ensuring that the pattern pieces were layed on the fabric correctly and that the grain line is running parallel to the selvedge. Moreover, I had to ensure that the grain line was equidistant to the selvedge by measuring the grain line. Once this was pinned on, I then had to cut out all the patterns in calico. I then began sewing the top toile. I initially made the cuffs and the neckline. Once this was created, I then sewed the bust panels together, ensuring that the notches matched up as this is her form of decoration which is reminiscent of the victorian era due to the shape and composition of the panels. Moreover, I had to re-trace off patterns which I had to manipulate and add seam allowance onto.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Today I had to trace off patterns from the standard pattern block. Afterwards, I then manipulated the patterns and added on seam allowance onto the patterns.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Today I began by making a waistband template for the trousers. In order to do this, I initially had to measure the front and back templates. When measuring this, I had to eliminate the darts from the waistband. After this was made, I then added a 1cm seam allowance around the entire edge of the waistbamd and cut it out in calico. Furthermore, I then had to cut this out in fusing and fuse the waistband with the fusing machine. This is in order to make the waistband more stability. Moreover, I then had to re-trace off the skirt pattern blocks and manipulate this in order for the pattern to be reminiscent of the design.