Tuesday 8 April 2014

Today I helped out another third year student called Tanja Nagy. Her collection is inspired and derived from ice and glaciers. I particularly like the way in which she has incorporated in the movement and shape of the glaciers into the shape and style of the designs. I initially began by tracing off the pattern pieces and extended the front and back jumper block panels to 65cm. Afterwards, I then cut out the pattern pieces in calico, ensuring that the grain line was parallel to the selvedge and sewed up the toile. Moreover, I then reverted back to helping my initial third year student Andrie by cutting out an array of patterns in calico, organza and polyester. After this was cut out, I then had to make a tutu pattern. In order to create this, I had to measure the circumference of the waist on the pattern which was 38cm and double this to equate to 76cm. After I then had to halve 38cm to get a 1/4 of the pattern measurement which was 19cm. I then added 19cm onto 76cm to get the circumference of the waist as she wanted a 1 1/4 tutu pattern circumference which equated to 95cm. I then formed a 95cm circle using the tape measure. Once the circle was created, I then added on a 15cm diameter all the way around. This then formed the basis of the tutu pattern.