Thursday 6 February 2014

Moda- Museum of Design and Architecture 1st Visit

Portrayed below is an image and drawing of the 1920's collar which I perused at Moda.

Initially I began to research into the collar as it was reminiscent of the 1920's style dress. The detailed hand block printed design was intriguing to look at due to the profusion of bright orange, brown, cream and blue tones depicted on the muslin collar. I got the sense from looking at this object that it had been "produced in an Artist's workshop". I then began to research into different types of fabrics used in the 1920's and 1930's time period which consisted of:

  • Rayon
  • Silk
  • Artificial Silk
  • Velvet
  • Satin
  • Jersey
  • Georgette 
  • Cotton
  •  Wool
The ideology of looking into fabrics used during this time period was derived from me looking at the muslin collar. The object stimulated thoughts as thoughts were encircling me as I am particularly interested in the 1920's time period due to the Great Depression which occurred in America in 1929. This is when the stock markets collapsed causing the biggest widespread of mass unemployment. Moreover, in the 1920's we also saw the emergence of Flappers. This was a group of young women who had a disposable income and their dresses were adorned with beads. This is the reason in which I feel this object had a personal connection with myself as it permitted me to peruse this certain aspect of the history of the 1920's. The thoughts encircling my mind were: Who created this collar? What was their source of inspiration? Who generated the print? 

Portrayed below is the link used for the collar: