Thursday 6 February 2014

Moda- Museum of Domestic Design and Architecture- 2nd Visit

During the second session, I was coming to a final conclusion of the Journey and thought process which I had been through. I initially began looking into a woven fabric. This replicated pattern is reminiscent of the 1920's Art Deco movement.

Portrayed below is an image of the fabric which I was perusing:

I find this inspirational to look at as it is reminiscent of the Art Deco Movement which was extremely influential during this time period. 

I then began to peruse the other objects in which I found inspirational to look at. This consisted of:

The fabric depicted above was interesting to examine. It makes you deep in wonderment about what the creator was trying to evoke and portray. The use of colour continuity was fascinating as the profusion of bright colours make it captivating to look at.  

The map portrays a guide for motorists in order to avoid the hustle and bustle of London at peak times whilst on the road as there is always a lot of congestion. It gives you specific routes in order for you to have the most convenient route. I specifically found this map interesting as it enables you to see how London has evolved over the past few decades and how London is still a thriving city. 

I then finally began looking at Tuscan Bath Shanks which was a magazine portraying all of the latest bathroom styles. This was evocative of the Art Deco Movement. Depicted below is an image of the magazine alongside a drawing:

After perusing the Art Deco Movement, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to explore the Flappers style. This was derived from my initial starting point which was the collar. I explored this because I find the 1920's time period extremely influential and the emergence of flappers are a fundamental part of the 1920's in the fashion industry.

Depicted below is an image of a flapper:

Overall I found this process extremely useful as it enabled me to explore the different pathways in which a specific object could lead you down. It also enables you to find out an array of different techniques and processes used. Furthermore, it permits you to have a personal connection with the object and view it in a new perspective in which you may not have considered before. Therefore, I found this a great source of inspiration in which I can use in order to form the preliminary basis of further research assignments.'s+flappers&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&

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