During the 1980’s time period there were some key inventions
introduced that would change the face of technology as we know it today. One of
the inventions was created by Philips in 1981. The CD was one of the greatest
inventions of all time in which we still use in the modern day society. It
enables you to transport songs wherever you go.
Portrayed below is an image of the rise in demand of the compact disc:

The camcorder was invented by Sony in 1982. This was the first creation
of a blend of the “video camera and a video recorder”. This revolutionised the technology industry. This then enthused the industry to create smaller and high tech camcorders.
Microsoft introduced the Windows programme in 1985. This has revolutionised the computer industry as Windows is still used today in the modern society. It is a fundamental software which enables you to perform tasks and input images and text.
The "first 3-D video game" was invented in 1987. Video games were developed as early as the 1940's, however it was not until arcade video games came out in the 1970's and 1980's that it popularised the gaming industry. Today this has led to the invention of X-Boxes, Play Stations, PC games and the Wii.
Disposable Contact Lenses were beginning to be introduced in 1987. The "Danalens" was the first contact lens to be invented which occurred in 1982. This has led to the continuation of coloured contact lenses in today's society which alter peoples appearance. Moreover, it has led to prescription contact lenses which prevent people from having to wear glasses.
Tim Berners-lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989. This enables people to surf the internet and it opens up a world of research possibilities. It permits people to gather the necessary information required for research and to expand on their knowledge. It comes up with multiple search engines which enable you to compare the facts and draw on your own conclusions.