Thursday 31 October 2013

Iron Lady Film

Margaret Thatcher ran for President even though she never had the intention of being elected. It was crucial that she was Prime Minister as she needed to turn Britain around.

Thatcher believed that the growth of small businesses was fundamental to the turn around of Britain "You are the backbone of our Nation". Many people went to the Trade Union to help defend their jobs, however it was now preventing people from working, which is the opposite impact of what it was set up to do.

The film depicted "If you want to change the party lead it, if you want to change the country lead it". This gave Thatcher the inspiration to lead the country to victory. Margaret Thatcher "Transformed the British Economy and reversed the countries post-war decline". She was referred to in a telegraph as "The woman who changed the face of history". 

Another flashback occurred in the film and there was the "highest level of unemployment since 1934". Furthermore, there was the "biggest collapse of production since 1921". The country is in desperate need to obtain a strong leader as it has a crippling economy. One newspaper portrayed that there were "over 3 million unemployed". 

In 1982 the Falklands war occurred. This was a war between Britain and Argentina. They sent in the HMS Conqueror to try and re-capture the Falkland Islands as this was British territory.  The British Troops won the short lived war and became British territory again. 

In the film, newspaper articles were portraying slogans such as "Business is Booming" and "10 years in Office". Thatcher had revolutionised Britain and things were getting back on track. 

An idea which Margaret Thatcher had enthused was for everyone to pay equal tax. This was an abhorrent idea as how can a poor person pay the same as a rich and wealthy person? This led to the poll tax demonstrations.

Margaret Thatcher backed down as Prime Minister after 11 1/2 years.